Diakonie Kosova
Return and Reintegration Counselling
The primary goal of the return project is the sustainable reintegration of returnees from the Free State of Bavaria in their country of origin, Kosovo.
Diakonie Kosova (DiaKos) and the affiliated Diakonie Training Center (DTC) have been working in the field of reintegration of people returning from Kosovo since 2007 – both for those who returned voluntarily and for people who were repatriated. All returnees who come back from Bavaria are received and cared for.
If agreed, those returning will be picked up at the airport by Diakonie employees. In addition to a consulting office, DiaKos also has
– a vocational training centre (DTC)
– a psychosocial centre for trauma therapy with an affiliated doctor
– a kindergarten
– a youth centre
– a farm that offers jobs for people with disabilities
– a boxing club and
– a language centre for German
As part of the return and reintegration counselling, so-called “starter packages” are offered, which consist of food and hygiene items. In addition, support services are possible for necessary living space renovation work and, among other things, with regard to home furnishings, fuel and clothing.
A wide variety of vocational training courses are offered at the DTC, for example cooks, hairdressers, tailors, heating engineers, electricians, plumbers, painters and drywallers. The Diakonie supports the (subsequent) job search or provides the necessary tools for self-employment.
The reintegration of children and young people is supported in particular by the contact between the Diakonie and their school directors and teachers. Children who are not yet of school age can be cared for in the kindergarten of the Diakonie, while a youth centre with a wide range of offers is available for young people.
Project duration:
The two years project will end 29.02.2024, and The donor has informed us that they have postponed for (6) six more months the project, which will end on 31.08.2024
Diakonie Kosova – Return and reintegration counselling
Rr. Andrea Alleshi
40000 Mitrovica,
Phone: +383 28 51 51 41
Mobile (Viber): +383 45 333 405
Email: nysret@diakoniekosova.org
Adresse cooperation partner in Germany:
Diakonisches Werk der Ev. Kirchenkreise Trier, Simmern-Trarbach und An Nahe und Glan gGmbH
Theobaldstraße 10
54292 Trier
Phone: 0049 (0) 651 / 20900 51
Email: stumpenhorst@diakoniehilft.de
Internet: www.diakoniehilft.de

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